In ultimul timp, consultand zecile de mesaje transmise catre adresa de e-mail, am constatat ca Britney Spears e foarte ocupata. Si, conform celor care transmit aceste mesaje, are ocupatii cat se poate de ciudate. Exemple:
Britney Spears will play a mutant in a new movie
Britney Spears: I Was Like a Nymphomaniac With NO Rubbers
Justin Timberlake Says "Britney Shaved Her Head Bald For Me"
Britney Spears Latest Rants Caught On Tape
Britney Spears Latest Wardrobe Malfunction Exposes Her Assets
Britney Spears Asks Fans to Name her New Album
Britney Spears Applies For Barack Obama Masseuse Job
Brad Pitt and Angelina are adopting Britney Spears
Britney Spears in Near Fatal Car Crash
Britney Spears Recording New Album - Forgotten How To Sing
Pope Benedict to Exorcise George Bush and Britney Spears on US Visit
Britney Spears Wants Hearing Moved
Britney Spears blames Peppy Cola for Sex tape
Britney Spears to Star in New Woody Allen Movie
Britney Spears Founds Charity to Help the Homeless As Part of Community Service Sentence
Britney Spears- foopS I Did It Again Spoof
Britney to give young parents tips on child care
Britney and Gazza's Shocking Re-hab Romance
Pregnancy Pact - We Did It For Britney Spears
Britney Spears wins custody battle
Britney Spears Gets New Tattoo After Mental Hospital Release
Britney Spears Net Worth Estimated at $125 Million
Hair extensions glue may be affecting Britney's brain claim trichologists
Marvin and Britney to share ward
Britney Spears Out of Hospital and Fighting for Palestinian Cause
Britney steals Jamie Lynn's fetus
Britney Spears Threatens to Ditch Greenback
Britney Spears becomes the newest "Vitameatavegamin Vitamins" girl
California Storm is Britney Spears Fault
Britney heartbroken as Diana's Butler beds Winehouse
Angelina Jolie and Britney Spears lesbian sex tape!
Britney Spears has Camel Toe Incident
Britney Spears to join cast of Eastwood Movie
Britney Spears' actions too Far Out for Newspaper
Britney Spears Fails To Appear For Latest Custody Hearing
Britney Finally Passes Rolling Stones Audition
Zac Ephron buys Britney Spears' farts
Britney nuthouse motorcade escort cost LA taxpayers $3 million
Poate ca ea nu e chiar atat de ocupata, dar in mod sigur cei care trimit Spam sunt foarte ocupati, iar imaginatia lor in a folosi numele vedetelor o ia catre bizarerii. Am exclus si unele titluri care erau usor prea socante chiar si pentru mine.
De obicei urmaresc si mesajele care ajung in Bulk sau Spam pentru ca se mai intampla ca mesaje importante sau chiar asteptate sa-si gaseasca drum in aceasta categorie. Si pentru ca de mult prea multe ori mi-am racit gura spundu-le la altii sa verifice categoria respectiva, pentru ca mesajul le-a ajuns acolo.
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